Welcome Huntington Families! You Want The Best For Your Children & Family, And So Do We!

We serve pregnant mothers and families with children ages 0-5. Our programs ensure children learn essential skills for their next educational steps, and parents get support and resources when they need it most.

Get the head start your family deserves.

Make sure your child is prepared and ready for school.

Spend more quality time with your family.

Can You Relate To Any Of These?

  • Is your child missing developmental milestones?
  • Are you facing financial strain/burden?
  • Are you missing out on additional services (health, nutrition, parent engagement, family services) that will help your family thrive?
  • Are you not getting the resources and support you and your family need to be successful?
  • Is your child struggling to interact with others?

If any of these resonate with you, Huntington RUCD can help with one of our programs (Early Head Start & Head Start)!

Can you relate to any of these

Can You Relate To Any Of These?

  • Is your child missing developmental milestones?
  • Are you facing financial strain/burden?
  • Are you missing out on additional services (health, nutrition, parent engagement, family services) that will help your family thrive?
  • Are you not getting the resources and support you and your family need to be successful?
  • Is your child struggling to interact with others?

If any of these resonate with you, Huntington RUCD can help with one of our programs (Early Head Start & Head Start)!

Huntington Head Start & Early Head Start School Information

RUCD Head Start
675 N. 400 E.
Huntington, UT 84528

Phone: (800) 841-2867 Ext 3

Fax: (801) 441-1232

Grade Level: Preschool

0-5 Early Education Program


EHS Holiday Calendar

Getting Started With Huntington RUCD Is Easy

1. Apply Now

Our program is free to eligible pregnant mothers and families with children ages 0-5. It takes less than five minutes to submit your application today.

2. Talk With Us

We’ll reach out to you within two business days to review our programs and the eligibility requirements. If you’re a good fit for one of our programs, we’ll help you move quickly through the entire process.

3. Flourish

Watch your children and family flourish. With our programs, parents become confident, and children become school ready.

What Our Huntington Families Think

“Huntington Early Head Start Program has helped my daughter a lot. I was worried when we were first getting her in. But, she is doing a lot better with her social skills and talking after being in the program.”

“Huntington Head Start Program helped my son communicate better instead of getting upset all the time. Of course, he still gets upset, but now he can talk through it. Instead of crying and getting mad, he communicates how he is feeling.”

“Our daughter is learning so much at RUCD. I see her apply all the things she is learning at home too. She is identifying shapes, counting objects, identifying colors, and discussing how different things work. It’s great to see.”

RUCD Community Partners

Get A Feel For The Huntington RUCD Location

Huntignton RUCD Location 1